Is coffee good for you? In this Free and Inspired radio episode we’re going to answer that question.
Most people think they should give it up especially when it’s time to change something about their health.
But what if, contrary to popular belief, it’s healthier than you think?
Finnish people, on average, consume around four cups daily. This daily amount can increase markedly, with some having up to eight or nine cups daily!
For most of us, that amount of coffee wouldn’t end well, and you would be forgiven for thinking about the adverse effects.
Epidemiological studies conducted over the last five to ten years disagree.
Learn about the studies showing the surprising outcomes of epidemiological studies and their results around all-cause mortality.
Spoiler alert: There is a chance coffee can help you live longer!
Not just that.
Coffee may also protect your cardiovascular, liver health and maybe even your brain.
For example, in one meta-analysis of thirteen studies, people who consumed caffeine (through coffee) presented a significantly lower rate of Parkinson’s disease progression and risk in general.
It seems all positive for coffee drinkers unless you have IBS.
Find out about why your morning latte might not only make your IBS symptoms worse but increase your risk of developing it.
Your reaction to the effects of coffee are managed in part by your genetics.
Discover how a set of genes could dictate the length of time you break down and eliminate coffee from your bloodstream. For some, the difference could be up to six hours!
All this and more in this episode of Free and Inspired Radio!