In this Free and Inspired radio episode, find out more about your sleep cycles and how to use them to wake up feeling refreshed.
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“If you want to know about someone’s health, ask them how they sleep.”
Or so Professor Andrew Huberman’s saying goes.
How can we get the best out of our night’s sleep?
One of the best ways to start is to get to know the parts of the night that are the most important to the quality of your day.
For example, discover which parts of the brain help you fall asleep and the vital brain chemical that helps relax the brain when it’s time for bed.
Find out more about how caffeine interferes with your sleep.
For some, sleeping after caffeine late in the day is easy.
However, it does affect the quality of your sleep, especially a key sleep stage important for your cognitive function the next day.
Have you ever heard of social jetlag?
This phenomenon helps to explain why going to bed at the same time every night is one of the best things you can do to harness your sleep.
All this before you’ve even gone to bed!
Learn more about the different cycles that occur while you are asleep and how they affect the following day.
For example, the N2 stage of sleep is the best stage for declarative memory or the type of memory that helps you recall facts or events.
Discover what sleep inertia is, how it makes you feel foggy on waking and how to avoid it.
Waking up feeling unrefreshed is a typical complaint.
What if it came down to simply waking up during the wrong stage of sleep?
Learn more about how this might be affecting you and why it can happen even after short naps during the day!
A fact-packed episode to improve your sleep in this week’s instalment of Free and Inspired Radio!
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