In this episode, we look at a standalone category of digestive intervention and ask what spore-based probiotics are and how they can help.
Find out what gives them their name.
Spore-based bacteria are better thought of as spore-forming bacteria. Spores are dormant life forms that can germinate or seed bacteria.
Spore-based probiotics have risen in popularity because of their ability to survive the stomach.
This has been clinically confirmed too. One study found that Bacillus species showed significantly better resistance to the acid in the stomach than certain Lactobacillus strains.
Learn more about how spore-based probiotics help improve leaky gut.
Specifically in a situation called “dietary endotoxemia.” This occurs when someone’s diet makes leaky gut worse.
Find out more about how diet makes leaky gut worse and how these probiotics can alleviate these effects.
It doesn’t end there for spore-based probiotics.
Discover the role they can play in conditions such as IBS-D.
For example, B.coagulans has positive studies in acute and antibiotic-related diarrhoea, constipation, colitis and IBS.
Get an in depth view on some of the other studies using specific forms of spore-based probiotics and the focused ways they might be able to help.
For example, early research suggests this category of probiotics may even be able to improve the connection between the brain and the gut to improve stress and mood!
All this and more in this episode of Free and Inspired Radio!