IBS can take over your day and hijack your mind in such a short time. I did a radio spot on RTHK national radio here in Hong Kong, where we introduced how it can affect people.
To explain the context of how it affects people, consider the following question:
Can you imagine feeling progressively more unwell with every meal you eat, every day, for months or years?
It seems like an exaggerated question, but to put it in context, three meals a day over three hundred and sixty-five days for people living with IBS can equal over nine hundred independent episodes that can worsen their gut issues.
Now, this can seem a little hyperbolic, but many people experience worsening IBS symptoms with every meal.
In this episode, discover the top three steps to take when your IBS is out of control.
One of the main features of IBS is visceral abdominal pain. If you wonder if this is you, the best way to define this is discomfort where you can’t pinpoint the location.
Find out more about the other signs and symptoms of IBS and the first, most crucial step to take if you feel you have it.
Hint: Estimates from one study suggest that only thirty per cent of people who experience symptoms seek medical help.
Are you one of the seventy per cent that hasn’t?
Learn about the tests a healthcare practitioner can do to help you understand where your IBS may come from.
For example, one-third of people with IBS may have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and you can test for this!
There are also evidence-based ways of dealing with IBS using diet.
For example, a review published in 2020 showed that fifty to eighty-five per cent of people report significant improvement in their symptoms with the elimination of dietary FODMAPs.
Find out what they are and the critical steps to take to try this to help your IBS symptoms.
All this and more in this episode of Free and Inspired Radio.