Suppose the causes that affect your depression and anxiety may not be what you expect? In this Free and Inspired radio episode, learn how your blood sugar might affect your mood and anxiety.
Personal responsibility disclaimer: If there comes a time when you feel like it is difficult for you to take action and the quality of your day is declining rapidly, then getting some help can be life-changing.
Sixty per cent of people with depression still do not seek medical help. This can because of the social stigma around its perceived hindrance to their career or personal life or in some cases fear of being prescribed pharmacy.
Suppose you are one of those sixty per cent.
In that case, managing your blood sugar and exercising could be two lifestyle choices that can begin your journey towards feeling better.
These changes are especially appropriate if you aren’t yet ready to see a medical practitioner and try anti-depressants.
Dysfunctional blood sugar and insulin levels have huge effects on your brain chemistry.
For example, did you know that the brain is the highest consumer of glucose among all the organs of the body?
Discover mitochondria and their relationship with energy production in your brain and how your blood sugar affects this.
Learn one of the key questions to determine if your fatigue is coming from your brain and, consequently, your blood sugar.
For many, an easy two-part question can help set a direction when understanding if your brain’s energy requirements are being met. Find out more in this episode.
Finally, find out how nutrition from one vital supplement to diet plays a role in both your blood sugar and its effect on your brain.
All this and more in this episode of Free and Inspired Radio.