Fun fact about reversing ageing:
If we cured heart disease and cancer, we would most likely increase our life expectancy by less than five years. That’s even with the absence of two of the biggest causes of death on the globe.
In contrast, if we were to reverse ageing, the extension in life expectancy is estimated to be in the decades.
Around three years ago, the World Health Organisation helped catalyse a significant change in how science sees ageing. It classified ageing as a disease. Or at least the potential cause of it. To be more precise, the definition is “caused by a pathological process which persistently leads to the loss of an organism’s adaptation and progress in older ages.”
In this Free and Inspired radio episode, Philip talks about another form of ageing, internal ageing. More importantly, we will look at your genes and how you can use bioactive ingredients in food to express their potential to reverse ageing.
Yep, you might be able to age in reverse and enjoy delicious food in the process as bioactive ingredients from food can influence gene behaviour.
Amanda Archibald, author of the Genetic Kitchen, describes bioactives function as “a switch that, when activated, sets in motion a series of biochemical steps, akin to knocking over a series of dominoes. This cascade results in the activation (and sometimes deactivation) of specific genes.”
Philip uncovers the different genes and bioactives in food that interact to reverse the ageing process in the body, gives you a crash course in understanding epigenetics and the specific foods to add to your diet to put yourself in the driver’s seat when it comes to ageing.